Monday, July 23, 2007

a few older photos

Last week, some friends from NYC came up to visit and go to Brimfield, the giant antique show that happens three times a year and is a few hours away from Boston. We did not find anything on our list, but instead came home with this - an old outdoor baby crib/playpen for a grand total of $30. The current plan is to turn it into a shelving unit, hopefully for me to put all my fabric and other sewing notions on.

I also got a great deal on some pressed oak chairs when I was up in Vermont over July 4th. Now I am looking for a few more similar chairs to go with them.

I cannot figure out how to move the photos around so they line up with the text. Something for me to try to figure out the next time...

1 comment:

Mara Fitch said...

I'm so excited you started a blog, it will be nice to see what your up to.