Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Okay, so I missed a week. I am going to try to make up for it with 2 posts this week. Things have been busy around here. The weather has been pretty amazing and whoa, what a year for apples. We went apple picking two weeks ago, and have been feasting on apple pie, apple crisp, and for breakfast, apples sauteed in butter and brown sugar to put on top of our oatmeal! My plan for the rest of the apples is to make applesauce and can it.

Sarah R. visited us over the Columbus Day weekend, which was tons of fun. We went to the apple pie festival in East Dummerston, VT where they sell 1,500 pies and pie by the slice with locally made cheddar or ice cream. It was jam packed with people, including several hundred people on motorcycles.

We also stopped in Bellows Falls on the way home to grab some lunch and to check out my new studio space, but I didn't yet have the keys. We got caught in the Fire Prevention Week parade which was full of marching bands, fireman, and old and new fire trucks.

Garet and I have also been spending lots of time with our new cats, Pliny and Ovid. We just started the woodstove, and as you can see, they love it!

I will post some photos of the studio space in the next blog....

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